Sunday, September 14, 2014

Craft#14-Day 14-Candy Monsters

We were working in the lab today, when my eyes beheld a yummy sight-for our Candy Monsters from the plate began to rise and suddenly to my surprise...they did the mash, the monster mash!

It was so much fun candy shopping and even more fun building these monsters out of the candy. Our supplies included marshmallows, gum drops, sixlets, twizzler black licorice, green mints, sprinkles, colored icing, rolos,bananas, and sliced almonds. Non-candy supplies included tooth picks, candy sticks, and food coloring.

Carter started our project out by adding food coloring to the cups of water. We pushed the marshmallow onto a candy stick and he dipped it into the food coloring. We built the following monsters:

One-Eyed Marshmallow Monster- Sprinkles on top for hair, sixlet for eye and a little sprinkle in the middle, little piece of black licorice on top for a horn.

Brother of One-Eye- Gum drops for arms- held on by toothpicks, face design from colored icing, and a green mint for his hat.

Cyclops Double Marshmallow- Two marshmallows on a candy stick, gum drop arms-held on by toothpicks, sixlet for eye and a little sprinkle in the middle.

Swamp Monster- One marshmallow dyed an algae green color, colored icing mouth, sprinkle eyes, and a black licorice unibrow.

Skelton Monster- Half a marshmallow for the jaw, full marshmallow as the head,small black licorice eyes and nose and sliced almonds for the teeth.

Itty-bitty Monster- A rolo pushed on a candy stick rolled in sprinkles. A Carter original;)

We also made ghost bananas, using small pieces of black licorice for the eyes and mouth.

Carter really enjoyed creating these candy monsters! Of course, we had to listen to the "Monster Mash" song-by Bobby "Boris" Pickett. Carter liked it so much, he kept saying, "again!"

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