Sunday, September 7, 2014

Craft #7-Day 7-Clothespin Characters

We decided to craft outside today! I was drawing the outlines of the animals on the construction paper, when Carter found the bag of buttons and clothespins and was ready to get started!

This project requires very little supplies- paper, markers/crayons, scissors and of course clothespins. I decided to use construction paper for its sturdiness and colored pencils instead, since Carter had never used them before.

I let Carter try out the scissors and we worked on how to hold the scissors. He was very interested and we will continue to practice. Once the first animal was cut out, Carter chose the colors he wanted and started coloring. We chose to make a cow, sheep, and a flamingo. I had a few big clothespins and one little clothespin to use for the legs. The little clothespin immediately made me think of a flamingo standing on one leg;) I love improvising and creating with the materials we have. Definitely one of my favorite parts of crafting. It would be fun to have a crafting version of "chopped".

Carter glued buttons on for the sheep's eyes as a final finishing touch. He had never used a clothespin before so he practiced opening them and then we clipped them to the animals.

We sat in the grass to play and snack on some strawberries. We were mooing, baaaing....and....wait, what does the flamingo say? Sounds like an idea for a music video to me, ha, ha.

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