Thursday, September 4, 2014

Craft #4-Day 4-Balloon Animals

We started crafting right away this morning! Carter was pretty excited when he saw the balloons in the craft basket today. I have been using one basket to fill with some basic crafting supplies plus the absolute necessities for the craft of the day and placing it on the kitchen table. I think Carter is starting to look forward to it;)

So we start preparing to make balloon animals.Not the balloon twisting kind that clowns make,however. More like using tape to attach facial features made from different kinds of paper to the balloons to create animals. I already have green and white balloons, so that is what we used instead of venturing to a store to get helium balloons. I try to use the supplies/materials that we already have as much as possible. The "recipe" also called for tissue paper and vellum-another type of paper to make the animal facial features, which I also did not have. I did have construction and foam paper that we used instead.Carter helped tape the facial features to the balloons. I prepared a bunch of rolled up tape (since, we needed double sided tape)for him to easily grab.

We made a duck, bear and pig balloon, as shown in the book. We started bouncing the balloons around while quacking, growling and oinking. We had fun throwing the balloon animals up in the air and hitting them back and forth to each other. Eventually the paper started flying off the balloons and we would rush to try to tape it on again. Lots of laughter!

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