Tuesday, September 2, 2014

Craft #2-Day 2-Pipe Cleaner Pals

The next characters we are creating will be made out of pipe cleaners and felt. Other basic supplies are needed, such as scissors, markers and glue. I have everything except the felt! Since the felt will be used for eyes and a nose, I can easily find something else to use instead. I grab my little basket to fill it with the supplies needed for this project. I add googly eyes, glue sticks, and construction paper to possibly use for the characters eyes/nose....and to have on hand, just in case I need to improvise.

So with this craft, there is some curling, cutting, gluing and drawing involved. Our first attempt to make our first pal-"The Chameleon" was unsuccessful. Carter would not sit still for all of the steps involved. So we took a park break. Carter was able to play and I was able to brainstorm how I could make this project fun for him. After all, having fun is the whole point. Light bulb! The step to make the character's body was a coil....this reminded me off a snake! This will work. We are ready to leave the park, have some dinner and then try the craft again.

Carter eagerly picked the purple pipe cleaner for his snake and a blue pipe cleaner for the snake's tongue. He made the body of the snake by twisting the pipe cleaner around the glue stick just as the instructions in the book stated to do. We were ready to grab the googly eyes, however we spotted gold sequins to use instead! Carter happily started gluing the tongue and the eyes on the snake. Success! This required just the right amount of time for his attention span and he was still able to complete a pipe cleaner pal;)

I made the Chameleon and our pals were PCPF. (Pipe cleaner pals forever) ha, ha.

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