Monday, September 15, 2014

Craft #15-Day 15-Pumpkin Kitten

We went pumpkin shopping early this morning. Carter looked through the pumpkins and we picked out a couple. We didn't find the really little pumpkins, so we got small pumpkins instead. One was slightly smaller than the other to use for the head and a larger pumpkin for the body with a long stem for the kitty's tail.We picked out a pumpkin carving kit and we were on our way home.

We gathered all the other supplies needed, that we already had-wooden skewers, scissors, black construction paper (we used poster board instead), tape, toothpicks, waxed twine (we used black yarn), and broom bristles and set up shop outside. Carter helped etch out the line around the top of the pumpkin with the drill tool from the kit.Then I cut the top of the small pumpkin and Carter started scooping out the guts. He started with the big scooper that was included in the pumpkin carving kit, however because the pumpkin was so small, a spoon worked much better.

I drew the cat's eyes and mouth with a pencil and using the indentation on the bottom of the pumpkin as a nose. We lined up where the head would be to the body (larger pumpkin) and attached them with two wooden skewers. I cut out the ears from the poster board, taped them to toothpicks and put them into the top of the pumpkin. We used the drill tool from the kit to carve the slits for the mouth and used a toothpick to push the black yarn inside the carved slits. I used the drill tool to poke holes for the whiskers. Carter stuck the broom bristles in-he thought that was pretty cool! Ta-da, we created a kitten pumpkin! This was a great pumpkin carving activity for Carter. He could really participate, since it required very little carving.

It was no surprise, when Carter requested to listen to "Monster Mash"....on repeat, throughout this project.It may just be his new favorite song.

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